So spring comes four times a year here. Lots of back and forth between sunny 65 degrees and freezing rain between March and May. I keep thinking I could live happily ever after in California. Avocados, warm sun, Pixar. Heaven. No, but really, Michigan is great and probably I appreciate the sunshine more when it comes because the winter is so long.
This was in March (hmmm… smell those flowers)
This was the Monday before Easter
The flowers come right back after it melts. Every time. They’re tough little things. So, what do we do with all our spare time indoors?
Visit the Henry Ford Museum (better than the Smithsonians in my opinion).
This is how big they make snowplows for trains in Canada.
Build more robots.
Jump, slide and fly like superheros at extreme bounce. This photo is hilarious to me because they’re running from somthing . . . . (see next photo)
Yikes. Strangers in costumes. They are Burt and Ernie-ish, but the kids were still terrified. Obviously we’re not ready for disneyworld. I know both girls in the costumes, by they way, and they’re really nice. I think it’s so funny. I’m actually sort of happy they found it creepy and reacted so cautiously- shows good intuition.
Oh, and we’re making blanket nests too.
Hope to post some photos of us outside soon! Thank goodness the library has tons of good dvds.
Wow, what great pictures, I love to see you guys in everyday life, so cute and having fun.
It’s certainly been feeling that way here in Utah too – stupid weather. Hope things get lovely there soon! You can move to Arizona and live by me 🙂