This video shows Oliver reciting his part for the primary sacrament meeting program. He had it memorized and he did a great job. In addition to his part, the music leader asked Oliver and another boy to sing a duet. They sang The Fourth Article of Faith. It was so cute to watch them. The music started and both boys simultaneously started singing the words of the The Fourth Article of Faith to the tune of Praise to the Man. The previous song was Praise to the Man, and this has been one of Oliver’s favorite songs recently, so maybe it was just stuck in their head. The music leader quickly stopped them and they restarted the song (this time with the correct tune). Oliver wasn’t at all scared of singing a duet; he knew all of the words and sang out loud and clear. His enunciation was particularly precise and made all of us smile. We are very proud of Oliver.
Wow! I’m impressed. I love his little laugh at the end. Wish I could have heard his duet!
Yeah, Kay and I were wishing that we could have taken a video inside the chapel. It really was fun to watch him!