Mud Day

Westland, MI has an annual tradition called Mud Day. They dig a big pit in one of the city parks, fill it with water, and open it up for a giant free-for-all in the mud. We decided we had to check it out.

Kay and the kids braved the mud first. Unfortunately, Abby only lasted about a minute before she had had enough.

I spent the next hour waiting in line to use the hose to wash Abby off. The line was moving too slow, so I finally gave up and went to find Kay and Oliver. I found them getting washed off by a fireman using the hose connected to his firetruck. It looked pretty cool, but they said the water was freezing.

It turns out that Oliver did not like playing in the mud, either. And he was extra upset that I wouldn’t buy him anything from the ice cream truck. (Really, I just couldn’t pay that much for a Popsicle!) I took everyone to get ice cream cones at Dairy Queen when we got back home, though, so after that everyone was happy again.

Rolling Sculpture Car Show

We headed downtown one evening for the rolling sculpture car show. It was a lot of fun. We saw a great combination of old and new cars – everything from an original Model T to a brand new Ferrari.

Oliver really took on the role of race car driver when they let him sit in the Formula 1 car.

July 4th

We had a fun Independence Day. On the Saturday before the fourth, we went to a huge party hosted by one of our friends, the Tang family. We enjoyed barbecued ribs, snow cones, water balloons, and lots of good company. On the fourth, we went to the Ann Arbor parade and then enjoyed the day playing in the backyard and doing fireworks. I am so grateful for the freedom that we enjoy.

Summer Fest

The Ann Arbor Summer Festival runs for about 3 weeks. Four or five nights a week they have free concerts and kids activities. We went a couple of different nights to check things out. Our favorite act was called “Strange Fruit.” It’s hard to describe, but it consisted of ladies doing ballet on top of really tall poles – check out the photos below.

Oliver had a fun time playing his tambourine with the music, but Abby was too shy to join in.

Toledo Zoo

We took a trip to Toledo, Ohio to check out the zoo. There were lots of fun animals, including a cool aquarium where we found an octopus. Abby really wanted to find the sea horse in the aquarium, but we couldn’t see it anywhere. We were on our way out when Oliver came running to us shouting, “Abby, come quick! I found the sea horse!” Abby was pretty excited when Oliver showed it to her. She’s lucky to have such a good older brother.

Grandma and Grandpa visit – Part II

We managed to squeeze a lot of fun in to the short week that my parents were here. We visited downtown Detroit, saw Ford F150s being built at the Ford Rouge Factory Tour, enjoyed walking around the Huron River, explored the Arboretum, played in the park, and had plenty of downtime to jump on the tramp, build with legos and tinkertoys, and just enjoy each others’ company. We love Grandma and Grandpa!