Nabby invited me to play bingo. She decided it needed to be “black out” so we spent a good 45 minutes spinning that little toy story spinner waiting for the last three pictures to come up.
It took some patience.
Oliver just happened to have his plastic sword when he walked down the hall and spotted Nabby’s carrot on the floor. He attacked, accusing the carrot of being very very bad. Nabby walked past and into the kitchen saying “Yes, he is a very bad carrot. Chop him up.” Then she left. However, if her stuffed carrot or strawberry or broccoli are missing from her bed (or even set up out of order) when we tuck her in at night, she complains till they’re all set up right.
Oliver’s attention has been consumed lately with a cartoon ghostbusters game on the ipad. These are ghost puppets he made for a puppet show he performed the other night for us. A demonstration of his new love and awe I guess.
Nabby wanted a better view of the puppet show. She climbed onto Jason’s shoulders to get it.
Oliver will ask us now and then to turn on the Cello Wars piano guys video. This is the “cello” he plays while watching it. He dances and makes ninja kicks too.
Nabby is telling me here about her plan to bury a small plastic tunnel under the street in front of our house. One end will start in the neighbor’s yard and the other will go in a “u” shape back into the same yard. That way, the cats that live there will try to come to our yard (to poop) by going through the tunnel, but will end up back where they started and stay in their own yard…. she also thinks a tall wall around our yard, with a roof, would be helpful.
Oliver lost his first tooth!! He didn’t even pull or twist it for a week, it just came out on it’s own at school and he brought it home in a bag very proud of himself.
I’ve been cleaning out closets in the basement and going through baby clothes. This butterfly tank top was down there because I didn’t want Nabby to wear it in the winter. She dresses herself (whole outfit) 98% of the time, so if I don’t want her to wear something I just hide it. She spotted while I was sorting and insisted she could wear it inside the house. She asked me to take this photo after she changed. We are ready for spring around here!
Oliver’s missing tooth space.