Update on the new baby
Oliver Jason Kotter was born on Thursday, May 17, 2007 at about 4:50 pm in the Orem Community Hospital, Orem, Utah. Oliver weighed in at 8 pounds 5 ounces and he was 21 inches long. He is now nearly two weeks old and is doing great! He loves to eat about every 3 hours and he mostly sleeps in between–except, of course, at night!
Kay did a phenomenal job throughout labor. We went to the hospital at about 4:00 am on Thursday morning after several hours of regular contractions. Kay had not dilated enough to be admitted, so the nurse called Dr. Young to see what he advised. Since Kay was already two days past her due date, the doctor gave Kay the choice of staying and being induced or going home and waiting it out. Kay decided to head home and see what happened. After a shower and a bit of rest, Kay and Jason headed back to the hospital at about 9:30 am. Orem Community Hospital is surrounded by a park with a mile long walking path and Kay and Jason decided to walk the path to see if it would help labor along. After a very slow, painful walk around the trail, Kay went back into the hospital at about 11:00 am. She had dilated to a four and so they immediately admitted her. During labor itself, Kay kept in good spirits by watching Remember the Titans and Even Stevens. When the nurse told her it was time, Kay pushed Oliver out in about ten minutes. Now that she is home, Kay is loving life as a mom.
Jason is thrilled to be a father and he thinks that Oliver is the cutest baby ever. Right now he is keeping busy changing diapers, helping with dinner, taking lots of pictures of his new baby, and working as a staff employee for the BYU Economics department to pay the bills.
Oliver’s Birth
- Grandma James and Oliver at the hospital